Orascoptic US Patents

Virtual Patent Marking Notice by Orascoptic: The products listed below are protected by patents in the U.S. for Orascoptic. This website is provided to satisfy the virtual patent marking provisions of the America Invents Act and provide notice under 35 U.S.C. §287(a). 
The list of products and patents may not be all inclusive. For example, some products listed here may be covered by patents in the United States that are not listed, and other products not listed here may be protected by one or more patents in the United States.

Dragonfly™ powered loupe (including Dragonfly™ Neo, Dragonfly™ Pro, Dragonfly™ RDH)

10107483, 11280480

Endeavour™ headlight (including Endeavour™ MD, Endeavour™ TruColor™, Endeavour™ XL, Endeavour™ TruColor™ XL)

10107483, 7645050

Omni Optic™ loupe


Spark™ headlight (including Spark™ TruColor™)


XV1™ powered loupe

11280480, 10801707, 9851080